How It All Began: I got my first boat when I was three. It was a WWII German air force inflatable life raft that my Dad, part of the occupying army in 1946, sent back for me. At first I used it as a pool in the back yard. My Mom filled it with water and splashed I around. But soon it was out at my grandfather’s camp on Oneida Lake as a real boat! I was hooked from that point on.
In 1955 my Dad bought a boat store and marina. For me, this was like going to heaven. I worked at the store on Saturdays and at the marina in the summer. I got to try out a lot of great powerboats during those years.
By 1965, the business was bankrupt and I was out of college and headed for marriage. I had nothing more to do with boats until about 1970 when I got the notion I wanted a sailboat. I found an old Mercury class sloop. It required a lot of fixing, but it sailed. I was off on a series of misadventures with that boat (the Yellow Submarine – it leaked a lot), as I learned to sail.

I really love kayaking for its combination of being on the water, yet close to shore where it is easy to spot wildlife of all kinds. I like the pace and I like the physicality of it. I find that I stretch to stay flexible and train to stay strong all year so that I can paddle well.

All of the kids have been in my boats and most have been on camping trips with their families and me (and Lisa). Hannah who’s 7, is a good paddler, but I can’t find any pictures of her paddling (sorry Hannah). The two youngest (Zack and Chris) have sat in my boats, but have never been on the water in them (can’t start them too young). Elliot wanted more pictures of himself on the website. That’s what has prompted today’s blog. So Elliot, check out the newest album in the Albums section.