I have read many reviews on this knife since publishing my opinion about its quality as a rescue tool. Most of those reviews talk about how it looks, feels in the hand, attaches to a PFD, even to its use as a bottle opener (see comment last review), but nothing about its cutting ability or its being used as a rescue tool (BTW, I give it high marks on all those non-essential qualities). I did find one review of a different knife where the reviewer credited the knife with saving his life. I may actually buy that knife just to see if it is as good as claimed.
I can’t be the only one to find that his rescue knife couldn’t rescue anyone. My guess is that most folks never touch their rescue knife and have no idea if it could save them or not. All this has me wondering if any of you have ever been in an emergency situation where you had to use your rescue knife and what your experience with the knife was? Or maybe you just wanted to cut some line like I did. Was your knife up to the task? Maybe someone out there will test the emergency cutting power of their rescue knife and tell us what they found.
Send me an email about your experiences with your rescue knife or add something through the comment section below. I’d like to find a rescue knife that really works.
BTW, NRS contacted me saying they have never had complaints about the knife and that I could return it if I wished (they are a class outfit. My argument is not with NRS in general).
Gear Review: The NRS Co-Pilot Knife Revisited
Friday, December 10, 2010