I have had two sets of Talic Sea Horse kayak stands for at least eight years. I have nothing but praise for them. Unlike another reviewer here, I do not use my stands as a place to store my boats. He is probably correct that his beamy recreational style boat should not be stored on these stands. He would be better off using a Talic Kayak Condo for that, as I do. However, the stands would serve as a place to work on his boat.
Everyone has a different idea about what a tool like this should do for them, and that will affect their idea of the product's usefulness. While the stand can be used for long term boat storage, in my opinion it is more appropriately used as a stand for working on and maintaining your boat. I cannot say enough positive things about these stands. I expect to be using them for another eight years, and then passing them on to my grandchildren, still in good shape. Talic Sea Horse Kayak Storage Rack
Talic Sea Horse Kayak Stands
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
This is a review of the Talic Sea Horse Kayak Stand I originally did for Amazon.com. You can see this and other reviews on this product at Amazon Review.